Restore. Regenerate. Re-imagine.
ASBC-SVC 2021: Restore. Regenerate. Re-imagine. is a convening that exists to accelerate our work towards creating an economy that works for all: one that is regenerative, equitable, and creates shared prosperity through our businesses, investments, and activities. ASBC and SVC have a uniquely potent ability to build the large-scale movement of profound economic and public policy change the world so desperately needs.
The conference will offer a blend of engaging main stage sessions, action-oriented breakout workshops, one-on-one peer advising, a live pitch event, small peer groups, and lots of time to connect and build relationships with your fellow attendees. By popular demand, additional networking opportunities, entertainment, and more will be featured throughout the program.
ASBC-SVC 2021 believes that a deep institutional understanding of the need for and the use of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion must be at the foundation for how we conduct ourselves, our businesses, and our investments, as we cultivate and grow our community and programs. With clear intent and earnest effort, we will engage and grow our community, and seek leaders in the field to ensure that our impact matches our vision.