How to Align Ownership Interests with your Business’s Mission

How to Align Ownership Interests with your Business’s Mission

American Sustainable Business Network presents ‘How to Align Ownership Interests with your Business’s Mission’, an interactive webinar with RSF Social Finance CEO Jasper van Brakel and Natalie Reitman-White, ownership & governance design advisor at Alternative Ownership Advisors.

Many business leaders have asked themselves: If I take on equity investors, will I have to fight to preserve my company’s mission? If I have to sell my company to a larger enterprise to provide an exit for investors, will I be selling out that mission? Do I have to stay small to stay loyal to my founding purpose? How do I exit or retire from the business while making sure the employees and other stakeholders are taken care of, and the mission and culture is preserved? What alternative strategies exist?

For many growing, purpose-driven ventures, the choice between liquidity for the business or for owners on the one hand, and loyalty to a social or environmental mission on the other, is as real as it is problematic. And the stakes in addressing this conundrum go much deeper than the concerns of individual companies.

During this webinar, van Brakel and Reitman-White talk about the advantages of transitioning to a mission-protective ownership structure, introduce several different models for alternative ownership and show how they play out in real life by offering examples of businesses that have employed each with success.


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