Equitable Real Estate Development; A framework for building community wealth



  1. Christopher Knapp- The intersection of City Building Templates and the world of Impact Investing 50 Minutes(40 Minute Presentation, 10 minute Q&A) (10 Minute Break)
  2. Juan Saldana-Thinking Bigger: How to co-create social equity with Real Estate Developers 50 Minutes(40 Minute Presentation, 10 minute Q&A) (10 Minute Break)
  3. UTSA(TBD)– On the Ground; How UTSA will help catalyze forward thinking frameworks with developers to benefit our communities 50 Minutes(40 Minute Presentation, 10 minute Q&A) (10 Minute Break)
  4. Fireside Chat: “Anti-Silos” Co-Creating templates In San Antonio (John Williams, Autocase; Anne Robertson, ASBC; David Levine, ASBC; Juan Saldana, P3 Markets; UTSA(1), Local elected (1, 2)


  • Intro: 8:30am-8:45(Introduce the ½ Day symposium- Give program details)
  • 8:45-9:35- Christopher Knapp
  • 9:35-9:45 Break
  • 9:45-10:35 Juan Saldana
  • 10:35-10:45 Break
  • 10:45- 11:35 UTSA
  • 10:35-11:45 Break
  • 11:45-12:45 Fireside Chat part 1
  • 12:45-1:00 Long Break
  • 1:00-1:25 Fireside Chat Part
  • 1:25- 1:30 Closing Remarks