Food entrepreneurs and investors convene for two days of educational workshops and live investment presentations to catalyze the funding flow for food ventures. MaryAnne Howland, Chair, ASBC’s Race & Equity Working Group and Founder/CEO, Ibis Communications and Global Diversity Leadership Exchange, will be a keynote speaker.
Entrepreneur Lab: Hands-on workshops by experienced practitioners:
- What’s Happening in the Market Today? What’s on Consumers’ Minds and Drives their Buying Decisions?
- Your food has a JEDI story. How to tell it? Shining a Light on Underserved Markets and Food with Heritage
- How to Embed JEDI Culture in Your Company? Hiring, Promotions, Decisons, Power: Dealing with Unconscious Bias and Soft Barriers
- Why Investing in Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion is Crucial. How Enterprises and Investors Can Move Capital in a more Equitable Way
- Reality Check 2020: (Re)Building Resilient and Just Food Systems. Coming out at the Other End of the Crisis: How to Reshuffle the Cards for Regenerative and Just Solutions?
- Your food has a climate story. How to tell it? Customers care. Now, how to connect the dots to your products and what behind them?
- Regenerative Models from Soil to Shelf. Ag & Climate Solutions throughout the Supply Network
- The Investment/financial Case for Climate-aware Food. What are the Real Returns that Matter?