White Papers, Business Cases, Case Studies & Polling
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Business case for EPA action on climate change
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitors and enforces reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that cause carbon pollution and accelerate climate change. Cuts proposed in the Trump Administration budget would cripple EPA’s ability to slow climate change which will result in damage to American businesses. Download the complete report.
Business case for EPA action on clean water
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protects and helps supply clean water for the nation. Proposed budget cuts would cripple EPA’s ability to conserve and protect our priceless water resource and would result in risk to human health and American businesses. Download the complete report.
Business case for EPA action on safer chemicals
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits the use of harmful chemicals in many products and keeps the public informed about environmental health risks. Proposed budget cuts would cripple EPA’s ability to promote safer chemical use and would result in risks to human health and American businesses. Download the complete report.