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Protect Climate Risk Transparency for Investors
Last month, the SEC released its final rule requiring large, publicly traded companies to disclose their direct greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of severe weather and other natural disasters on their businesses. Investors need this information to make informed choices and meet their fiduciary obligations to the people whose money and retirement savings they manage.
As climate change worsens and continues to cost the global economy, investors need to understand how and which companies are prepared to mitigate the physical risks associated with climate change and manage the transition to a decarbonized economy. Denying investors access to this information results in an inability to evaluate all financial risks and poses the threat of unnecessary and avoidable economic hardship to American workers saving for retirement, pension fund managers, and other investor clients.
The SEC sought and received input from thousands of businesses and investors (including ASBN members) during the drafting process for this rule. Now opponents of the rule want to lean on their allies in congress to reverse this regulatory step forward and keep investors in the dark. We can’t let them win.
Take Action Now. Sign our letter to congressional leaders urging them to oppose efforts to overturn the SEC’s climate disclosures rule!
Read the full text of the letter here