
ASBN in the News Cheryl Bolen

Backlash to SBA Regulatory Research Contract Is Growing

An article in Bloomberg BNA quoted ASBC’s CEO and President David Levine urging the SBA to cancel the contract to conduct a study on the disproportionate cost impact of regulations on small businesses. The contract was awarded to two researchers whose previous work has been widely criticized. Said Levine, “The SBA should start over and do a better job of reaching out to qualified entities.”

ASBN in the News Jessica Corbett

Trump Denounced for Cynical Sabotage of Nation’s Health System

Common Dreams quoted ASBC CEO David Levine opposing the latest executive order that will weaken Affordable Care Act.  Said Levine, “This executive order will put sand in the gears of the ACA markets, leading to increased destabilization. American businesses—both large and small—need more stabilization of the ACA markets, not less.”

ASBN in the News

Republicans Unveil Nearly $6 Trillion Tax Cut

The Boston Herald quoted John O’Neill, ASBC’s senior tax analyst, saying that tax reform isn’t as useful to the economy as investing in infrastructure and education. This AP piece also ran in at least 160 outlets in the US.

ASBN in the News

Step Up, Speak Out, Impact Policy

Conscious Company published the free PDF containing the best advice from the lobbying experts at ASBC on how to make your voice heard, plus insights about working with the media from the team here at Conscious Company.

ASBN in the News Bernie Sanders

Why Medicare-for-All Is Good for Business

Senator Bernie Sanders wrote an op-ed in Fortune Magazine in support of single-payer healthcare that mentions ASBC’s leadership on this issue through Business Leaders Transforming Healthcare. 

ASBN in the News John Imes

Wisconsin Should Take the High Road on Foxconn Plan

An article in Cap Times discusses the proposed Foxconn deal in Wisconsin. ASBC’s High Road Principles was cited as a guide for employers who want to operate responsibly and “take care of their own.” Providing a livable fair wage, family friendly benefits, work-life balance, education and training opportunities, and community engagement are all ways Foxconn can pledge to operate as a responsible, high-road employer.

ASBN in the News Joyce Rosenberg

Small Businesses in Clean Energy Sector Still Hope for Best

AP News cited ASBC’s position in support of the Paris Climate Accord. Leaving the Paris Climate Accord would hurt companies, giving them a chaotic and unsustainable future of business disruptions from rising seas and changing weather patterns.

ASBN in the News Larry Light

Why U.S. Businesses Said “Stay in the Paris Accord”

CBS News quoted David Levine, ASBC’s CEO and co-founder, opposing the U.S. pulling out of the Paris treaty. Said Levine, “The value of Paris to businesses is the clear market signal that the future is in lower carbon, rather than a chaotic and unsustainable future of business disruptions from rising seas and changing weather patterns.

ASBN in the News Betsy Lillian

Trump’s Proposed Budget Shrinks EPA, DOE Funding

North American Windpower quoted ASBC’s CEO David Levine opposing Trump’s proposed budget. Said Levine, “The budget cuts will seriously impair America’s global competitiveness while China and the EU ramp up their commitments to a low-carbon future.”

ASBN in the News Elizabeth Grossman

The GOP Just Got One Step Closer to Taking Away Your Overtime Pay

An article in In these Times cited ASBC press release urging Congress to oppose the Working Families Flexibility Act (HR 1180/ S.801) saying it is poorly designed, permits much potential abuse by employers, and places a major liability on business balance sheets.

ASBN in the News Briana Vannozzi

Making Eco-Friendly Products Can Also Be Profitable

NJTV News covered Earth Friendly Products’ (an ASBC member) 50th anniversary in conjunction with global Earth Day events as one of its earliest supporters.  ASBC CEO David Levine was at the celebration and explained the importance of ingredient disclosure to the American public. 

ASBN in the News

Zero Waste Act Introduced by US Representative

An article in Waste Today magazine quoted Richard Eidlin, ASBC VP of Policy and Campaigns, in support of U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison”s (D-MN) Zero Waste Development and Expansion Act. Said Eidlin, “Growing local economies while cleaning up the environment makes great business sense. We’re happy to lend our support to Congressman Ellison’s ‘Zero Waste Development and Expansion Act’

ASBN in the News Michael MarienMichael Sales

Greening Capitalism, Quietly

ASBC named as one of the major groups driving change in “Greening Capitalism Quietly”, a new report from Ethical Markets.

ASBN in the News Joel Makower

The State of Green Business

GreenBiz Editor in Chief Joel Makower interviewed Richard Eidlin, ASBC’s VP of Policy and Campaigns (30:48) and Adobe’s head of sustainability Vince Digneo (43:50) about their respective thoughts concerning the future of sustainable business during the next four years.

ASBN in the News Terry Slavin

Sustainable Business Stands Up to Trump

An article in Ethical Corporation highlighted ASBC’s sign-on letter for business leaders to register their protest against the immigration ban that “demeans our American principles and values”.

ASBN in the News Bruce Lieberman

Business Leadership on Climate Seen as Key

Yale Climate Connections quoted Richard Eidlin, ASBC VP of policy and campaigns, encouraging business leaders to engage in climate policies. “Businesses that are in [favor] of addressing climate change, and maintaining environmental safeguards need to really express their views and express the business case for doing so.”

ASBN in the News Elizabeth Grossman

Trump Touts Pro-Worker Agenda

An article in In These Times quoted ASBC CEO David Levine in support of regulations. “Well-constructed regulations actually help business. Businesses depend on good regulations that promote prosperity and ensure a level playing field.”

ASBN in the News Yuki Noguchi

Wages Are Increasing, But What’s Behind It?

An article in NPR quoted ASBC CEO David Levine in support of increased wages.  Said Levine, “With that retention they’re also getting employees that are more committed to the business, therefore productivity goes up.”

ASBN in the News Bruce Rolfsen

Worker Safety a Sustainability Factor

ASBC Policy Director Bryan McGannon told Bloomberg BNA that safety and health practices should be a part of overall personnel practices. In addition to providing a safe workplace, sustainability includes such benefits as good pay and paid leave.

ASBN in the News Joseph Bebon

Trump Picks Former Gov. Rick Perry

Solar Industry quoted ASBC CEO David Levine on Trump’s nomination of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry as head of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Said Levine, “His close ties to the oil industry in his home state will likely lead to department policy that tilts the playing field in favor of fossil fuels.”

ASBN in the News Andrew Soergel

Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s Head to be Trump’s Labor Secretary

An article in U.S. News & World Report, discussing Trump’s Secretary of Labor nominee Andy Puzder, quoted ASBC CEO David Levine. Said Levine, “With Mr. Puzder’s nomination, Mr. Trump is choosing the wrong model for helping the working and middle classes – and businesses that depend on healthy consumer demand.”

ASBN in the News Lydia Wheeler

Trump’s Labor Secretary Pick Appalling

An article in The Hill quoted ASBC CEO David Levine on Trump’s nomination of Andy Puzder for Secretary of Labor.  Said Levine, “With Mr. Puzder’s nomination, Mr. Trump is choosing the wrong model for helping the working and middle classes — and businesses that depend on healthy consumer demand.”

ASBN in the News Douglas Main

Environmentalists Outraged Over Trump’s EPA Pick

An article in Newsweek quoted the reactions from environmental organizations and prominent environmentalists to Pruitt’s appointment.  Said ASBC CEO David Levine, “This nomination also demonstrates a critical disregard for the impacts

ASBN in the News Michael Shear, Julie Hirshfield Davis, Maggie Haberman and Nick Corsanti

Trump Unveils High-Powered Business Council

The New York Times quoted David Brodwin, ASBC co-founder and CFO, raising concerns about Trump’s transition team. Said Brodwin, “Trump is doubling down on crony capitalists who don’t understand that a healthy economy requires a healthy planet and consumers with money in their pockets.”

ASBN in the News Larry Light

High-powered CEO Council Draws Scrutiny

An article in CBS News quoted ASBC co-founder David Brodwin about Trump’s CEO advisory committee to furnish guidance about economic growth. Said Brodwin, “Many of the multinationals represented on his new forum continue to lobby for tax cuts and deregulation that

ASBN in the News Jan Lee

Driving Diversity in a Trump-Led Era

An article in TriplePundit quoted MaryAnne Howland, CEO and Founder of Ibis Communications (an ASBC member), in support of greater access to capital for minority- and women-owned businesses.

ASBN in the News Nadia Prupis

Judge Puts Overtime Pay for Millions in Limbo

An article in Common Dreams quoted David Levine, CEO and co-founder of the American Sustainable Business Council, mourned the halting of the overtime ruling, saying the opponents were “operating from short-sighted, out-moded thinking.”

ASBN in the News

Sen. Inhofe Confident Trump Will Implement TSCA

David Levine, co-founder and CEO of ASBC, told ChemicalWatch if there were to be a dismantling of regulations, or an attempt made to limit the EPA’s effectiveness, that would have an impact on TSCA.

ASBN in the News Lauren Hepler

Small Business Backs New Climate Disaster Legislation

Richard Eidlin, VP of Policy and Campaigns for American Sustainable Business Council talks about why small businesses are supporting the  National Mitigation Investment Act bill currently in Congress. He also discusses why climate change is becoming a bipartisan issue in GreenBiz.

ASBN in the News Frank Knapp, Jr.

Small Business Entrepreneurship is on the Decline

Frank Knapp, president and CEO of the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce and co-chairman of ASBC, wrote an op-ed in the Florence Morning News in support of new economic policies to strengthen small businesses.

ASBN in the News Paul Stinson

Green Chemistry Missing From Amended Toxics Law

An article in Bloomberg BNA quoted ASBC CEO David Levine in support of chemical reform. Said Levine, “Transparency is the key frame that needs to be addressed, and it’s only partially covered by what we see presently in the Lautenberg bill to reform TSCA.”

ASBN in the News David Gelles

Selling Shampoo, Eye Cream and a Chemical Crackdown

An article in the New York Times quoted Bryan McGannon, ASBC policy director, in support of reforming federal laws overseeing personal care product ingredients.  Said McGannon, “Consumers are demanding cleaner and safer products, but we still have this law from almost 100 years ago.”

ASBN in the News Bruce Watson

Plastic Substitutes and Other Breakthroughs

An article in The Guardian quoted David Levine on the benefits of green chemistry.  Said Levine, “Green chemistry is providing an opportunity for a stronger economy and a healthier society.”

ASBN in the News Rebekah Marcarelli

Earth Friendly Products Achieves Sustainability Milestone

An article in the Grocery Headquarters quoted ASBC CEO David Levine on Earth Friendly Products’ high standards of sustainability.  Said Levine, “This company is leading the way on some of the most pressing environmental issues of our time—climate, water and waste.

ASBN in the News Craig Ey

Democrats: We Need to Change the Party’s Business Narrative

Bryan McGannon, policy director of ASBC, was part of a panel discussing the direction in which the Democrats need to proceed in order to change a perception that the party is pro-regulation and anti-business. An article in the Philadelphia Business Journal quoted McGannon, “Business is not monolithic. Not every business is represented by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce or NFIB. It’s not solely about taxes.”

ASBN in the News Evan Lehmann

Are ‘Clean Tax Cuts’ The New Carbon Tax?

E&E news discusses the spirited debate at ASBC’s policy forum during the RNC about the best way to cut emissions. Supporters of a carbon tax tangled with Rod Richardson, president of the Grace Richardson Fund, who says “clean tax cuts” would be easier to pass with Republican help.

ASBN in the News Dave Felice

The Case For $12 by 2020

An article in Greater Park Hill News quoted Richard Eidlin, co-founder and vice president of policy and campaigns for ASBC in support of Colorado raising the state’s minimum wage. Said Eidlin, “A higher minimum wage in Colorado is a win-win. Workers benefit from having more disposable income. Businesses benefit from having more customers able to purchase their goods and services.”

ASBN in the News Jillian Berman

Should the Government Forgive Farmers’ Student Loans?

Matthew Dillon, the director of agricultural policy and programs at Clif Bar (an ASBC member), was quoted in MarketWatch urging Congress to add farmers to the list of workers entitled to student loan forgiveness after 10 years. Said Dillon, “Farming is a tough business. It’s a lot of risk and if

Op Ed

Graham Goes With the Wind
Source Author: Frank Knapp, Jr.

Frank Knapp, Jr., co-chair of ASBC and president & CEO of the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce wrote an op-ed in the Morning Consult supporting South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham ®’s pushing for clean energy solutions to climate change.

ASBN in the News Francesca Brindle

Green Business Supports BLM Methane Regulations

An article in Energy Global discussed how ASBC and Green America are encouraging BLM to further limit venting, flaring and leaks from natural gas production on federal and tribal lands.

Op Ed

Congress Must Shine Light on Anonymous Companies
Source Author: Frank Knapp, Jr.

Frank Knapp, Jr., co-chair of ASBC and president & CEO of the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce wrote an op-ed in the Augusta Free Press urging Congress to pass the bipartisan Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act (ITLEAA) — which requires all states to identify the beneficial owners of the companies they create.

Source Publication Date: April 21, 2016

Source URL: 

ASBN in the News Lydia Wheeler

House Small Business Chairman Pushes Senate to Take up Regulatory Bill

An article in The Hill quoted ASBC Co-chair Frank Knapp, Jr. in support of smart regulations. Said Knapp, “Some small businesses will find compliance with federal regulations difficult. The answer is not to throw the baby out with the bathwater and invalidate existing rules.

ASBN in the News Sean Reilly

Are U.S. EPA Regulations a Burden or Boon to Small Businesses?

An article in Environment & Energy News discussed ASBC Co-chair Frank Knapp, Jr.’s testimony in support of smart regulations at the Senate Environment and Public Works subcommittee hearing on April 12, 2016. (Please note: this article is behind a paywall)

ASBN in the News Barry Ritholtz

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Goes for the Extreme

An article in the Bloomberg View discussed the increasing dissatisfaction with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and how it is reflected in the growth of alternative business lobbying groups such as ASBC.

ASBN in the News Carolyn M. Brown

Business Leaders Call for Supreme Court Confirmation

An article in the Black Enterprise Magazine quoted a statement by David Levine, CEO of ASBC, and Frank Knapp Jr., co-chair of ASBC, urging Congress to hold hearings for Merrick Garland’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court.  The statement in part said, “Hundreds of thousands of small business leaders believe that we must move beyond partisan politics.

ASBN in the News Eric Wolff

EPA’s Wingmen Get in Formation

An article in Politico discusses ASBC’s filing a friend of the court brief, also known as an “amicus brief,” in support of the national Clean Power Plan.

ASBN in the News

Paid Family Leave: Imperfect but Necessary

An article in quoted David Levine, ASBC’s CEO and president, in support of paid family leave. Said Levine, “The American Sustainable Business Council along with members across the state of New York, proudly supports the paid leave bill.”

Op Ed

Invest in Women Business Ownership
Source Author: Claudia Viek

The Huffington Post published Claudia Viek’s, CEO of the California Association of Micro Enterprise Opportunity (an ASBC organizational member), blog about how it makes economic sense to invest in women business ownership in this country to boost household income and shore up the middle class.  The blog was originally posted on ASBC’s blog section.

ASBN in the News Samantha Page

What Now for States after SCOTUS’s Stay on the Clean Power Plan?

An article in ThinkProgress quoted ASBC co-chair Frank Knapp, Jr. in support of the Clean Power Plan. Said Knapp, “The Supreme Court didn’t negate any of what’s on the ground and what’s already moving. In the big scheme of things, it’s OK. We can survive this.”

Op Ed

Carbon Pricing and Climate Change
Source Author: Zach Bernstein

Zach Bernstein, ASBC’s research and social media manager, wrote a letter to the editor of The New York Times in support of the op-ed “Proof That a Price on Carbon Works.” Said Bernstein, “Done right, carbon pricing can be a boon not just for fighting climate change but for moving our economy into the 21st century.”

Op Ed

Carbon Pricing and Climate Change
Source Author: Zach Bernstein

Zach Bernstein, ASBC’s research and social media manager, wrote a letter to the editor of The New York Times in support of the op-ed “Proof That a Price on Carbon Works.” Said Bernstein, “Done right, carbon pricing can be a boon not just for fighting climate change but for moving our economy into the 21st century.”

ASBN in the News Gregg McQueen

Flaw in the Fun

An article in the Bronx Free Press quoted ASBC President and CEO David Levine on banning toxins from children’s toys. Said Levine, “If we can take the lead out of gasoline, or the BPA out of baby bottles, then we could eliminate toxins in toys.”

ASBN in the News Don Davis

Obama’s Veto Doesn’t End Opposition to Clean Water Rule

An article in the Grand Forks Herald and quoted Richard Eidlin, ASBC’s co-founder & vice president of policy and campaigns, stating the importance of clean water. Said Eidlin, “The resolution to kill the Clean Water Rule would have

ASBN in the News Catherine Ho

Interest Groups Trying to Get Projects into SOTUS

An article in the Washington Post quoted Richard Eidlin, ASBC’s VP of policy and campaigns, regarding the upcoming State of the Union address.  Said Eidlin, “ASBC presented a short list of items we’d like him to talk about.

ASBN in the News Doug Alden

NH Companies Discusses Benefits of Family-friendly Policies

The Union Leader and the New Hampshire Business Review reported on an event that was co-sponsored by ASBC, the Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy, the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation and the Center for American Progress to discuss the benefits of family-friendly policies and their impact in the workplace.

Op Ed

Businesses See Market Signal in Paris Agreement
Source Author: Richard Eidlin and Bob Keefe

Richard Eidlin, ASBC’s co-founder & vice president of policy and campaigns, and Bob Keefe, executive director of Environmental Entrepreneurs (an ASBC partner organization) wrote an op-ed in The Hill urging Congress to follow the example of the U.S. business community and support the historic Paris Climate agreement.

Source Publication Date: December 18, 2015

Source URL: 

ASBN in the News Paul Huttner

Corporations Pledging to Reduce Carbon Emissions

The MPR News Climate Cast radio show looked at corporations and what role they play in the reduction of carbon emissions. Several companies attended the Paris Climate Talks. Guests interviewed on the program were Eric Roston,

ASBN in the News Michael Walsh

Ban Ki-moon Urges Cooperation at COP21 in Paris.

Covering the talks at COP21 in Paris, Yahoo News quoted Richard Eidlin, ASBC’s VP of policy and campaigns, about business’ concerns over the effects of climate change. Said Eidlin, “From increased insurance costs and supply chain disruptions to the loss of entire companies due to extreme weather events, business is already feeling the cost of inaction on climate change.”

ASBN in the News Katherine Bagley

Corporate Giants Commit to Emissions Targets

An article in InsideClimate News cited ASBC and E2’s letter to Congress asking politicians not to interfere with international negotiations and to support U.S. climate action.

ASBN in the News

Reps Introduce Clean Energy Victory Bonds Act of 2015

North American Windpower quoted Fran Teplitz, executive co-director of Green America (an ASBC member), in support of Clean Energy Victory Bonds.  Said Teplitz, “Clean Energy Victory Bonds will be a huge boon to the growing clean energy and energy efficiency sectors. Investors and business need steady incentives in order to invest in the clean energy industry in the U.S.”

ASBN in the News Andy Colthorpe

Silicon Valley Congresswoman Proposes National CEVB

PV Tech quoted Richard Eidlin, ASBC’s VP of policy and campaigns, in support of Clean Energy Victory Bonds. Said Eidlin, “The market is speaking, and it’s speaking in favor of clean energy. As the world comes together in Paris to address climate change,

ASBN in the News Emily Chasan

Capitol Hill Takes Fresh Look at Profit Shifting

An article in the Wall Street Journal quoted Bryan McGannon, ASBC’s Director of Policy and Engagement, in reaction to the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee’s subcommittee hearings on tax policy.

ASBN in the News

Massachusetts Takes Steps against Climate Change

An article in Wicked Local Littleton quotes Michael Green, executive director of CABA (an ASBC member), to make the business case for a carbon tax.  Said Green, “Businesses like the certainty, flexibility and sound economics of carbon pricing.”

ASBN in the News Christopher Doering

Senate Passes Ernst Water Resolution 53-44

An article in the Des Moines Register quoted Richard Eidlin, ASBC VP of Policy in support of the Clean Water Rule. Said Eidlin, “The Senate missed an opportunity today to defend clean water. They voted to throw clean water protections into jeopardy,

ASBN in the News Rupa Shenoy

Committee Hears Testimony on State Senate Bill to Price Carbon

An article in quotes ASBC board member Julie Fox Gorte making the business case for a price on carbon.  Said Gorte, “A carbon price would help give us a more certain landscape that we could plan on and make investments on the basis of.”

ASBN in the News Alexander C. Kaufman

One CEO’s Quote Sums Up Resilience Of Flooded S.C.

An article in the Huffington Post quoted ASBC’s vice chair and CEO of the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Frank Knapp, Jr. urging SC to rebuild its economy.  Said Knapp, “People need to get to work. We need to get the economy back up and moving again.”

ASBN in the News Karen Kissinger

People Need Clean Water

An article in the Daily Star Journal cited ASBC’s clean water polling results to make the business case for the EPA’s clean water rule.

ASBN in the News Lydia Wheeler

Pro Regs Biz Groups Hail Climate Rule

An article in The Hill cited ASBC’s Climate Change Preparedness and the Small Business Sector report to make the business case for clean energy rules.

ASBN in the News Jeremy Hobson

Two Sides Of The GMO Debate

Richard Eidlin, ASBC’s co-founder & vice president of policy and campaigns, presented the business case for GMO labeling in an interview on Here and Now, a show on Boston’s NPR news station WBUR. Here and Now reaches an estimated 3.6 million weekly listeners.

ASBN in the News Joanna Schroeder

Businesses Should Lead Way on Clean Power

Agwired quoted Richard Eidlin, ASBC’s VP of policy and campaigns, to make the business case for clean power.  Said Eidlin, “The Clean Power Plan will help states grow their economies and create jobs,” said ASBC’s Vice President of Policy Richard Eidlin.

ASBN in the News Julie Fahnestock

How Global Trade Agreements Undermine Sustainable Business

JustMeans interviewed ASBC Co-founder David Brodwin highlighting ASBC’s important work of making the business case against the Trans-Pacific Agreement, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trade in Services Agreement.

ASBN in the News Janet Donovan

Jessica Alba Lobbies The Hill

An article in The Georgetown Dish discussed Jessica Alba going to Washington, D.C. with a delegation of companies under the umbrella of the American Sustainable Business Council, to advocate for reform on chemical use in consumer products including the long awaited overhaul of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

ASBN in the News Rebecca Trager

Safer Substitutes Show Growth Potential

Royal Society of Chemistry cites findings from ASBC and GC3’s report, Making the Business & Economic Case for Safer Chemistry, to promote the economic case for sustainable chemistry and less-toxic formulations.

ASBN in the News Nelson D. Schwartz, Patricia Cohen and Katie Thomas

Business Leaders React to Defeat of Trade Bill

An article in The New York Times discussed business leaders’ reaction to yesterday’s House vote against TPP and quoted David Levine, CEO of ASBC. Said Levine, “The TPP would give multinational corporations unprecedented power to evade safeguards that protect consumers,