

Over the past few years, it has become clear that the role of businesses, large and small, in supporting inclusive democracy is increasingly pertinent. ASBN has long championed inclusivity and equity as enduring principles on which a healthy economy is founded. And a functioning free and fair democracy is an incomparable tool to achieving such a landscape. We believe bold changes must be made to protect American democracy, and businesses can lead the way.  

As a representative of over 250,000 American businesses, the American Sustainable Business Network is committed to pioneering these necessary reforms in order to ensure the survival of democracy.  

Main goals of the Business for Democracy Initiative include:  

  1. Convene interested businesses with a shared commitment to democracy. 
  2. Provide information on and lead discussion on the important role businesses can play with employees and the public in rejecting political messaging designed to misinform and instill mistrust and rejection of our democratic process. 
  3. Explore the wide array of legislative reforms that can strengthen our democracy. 
  4. Establish a method for businesses to be recognized for taking actions to protect our democracy. 

For this campaign to be successful, the ASBN needs your help. Please share this campaign with your customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders in order to ensure the success of American democracy.  

ASBN Business for Democracy 2022 Accomplishments
ASBN in the News

The Innovations That Can Help the World Curb Plastic Waste
Triple Pundit

To reduce the influx of plastics into our environment, innovations in plastics, packaging, and plastics after-use management are being introduced at an ever-increasing pace. Here are some of the innovations that will lead to reduced use of plastics, less plastic waste and a more circular economy.


Urge Congress to to Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights and the Freedom to Vote Acts

The most basic right in a democracy, the right to choose who will serve us in government, is under attack in dozens of states.  At the same time, historic legal protections, including those in the 1965 Voting Rights Act (VRA), have been gutted by the Supreme Court. 

The free and fair markets on which business depends are threatened by this erosion of democratic fundamentals.  At the least, confidence in our institutions is eroded, but at worst, the equal application of rules and laws for all is replaced by arbitrary and capricious decisions made to advantage a limited few. 


Support S.1 For the People Act of 2021

This year, more than 360 bills in 47 states have been introduced to put up barriers to silence our fellow Americans’ voices, especially the voices of Black, Brown, young, disabled, and working class voters. Voting is a fundamental right in our country, and it is up to our elected officials to protect it.  While multiple studies and history have demonstrated that actual voting fraud is a miniscule issue, there is no question that voter participation is a real problem, when turnout rarely involves more than two-thirds of eligible voters and often drops to 50% or below.


Protect Democracy

As part of our ongoing election information campaign, American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) is closely monitoring voter rights policy across the country. Strong leadership is needed to ensure a fair and free democracy, and ASBC strongly supports all business leaders who are dedicated to supporting the results of our transparent voting process that was executed at an unprecedented time by our patriotic election officials and poll-workers.